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- Humanitarian Foundation envisions a just and compassonate world free from oppression, hunger and poverty, where every person irrespective of race, colour and creed lives in peace and dignity
- Children going to school
- Child friendly school playground
- Children reading in the open school playground
Humanitarian Foundation was born not to be served, but to serve
Humanitarian Foundation (HF) is an NGO based in Bandarban Hill District. HF was established in 1999 by some like-minded and dedicated youths with a commitment to serve the downtrodden communities in the society of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, especially in Bandarban district. A high-energy, supportive, dedicated, and forward-thinking catalyst team who spark action in the people around them is working for HF with view to bring a lasting positive change in the life of the people in need through undertaking social welfare projects (education project, livelihood project, WASH project, disaster response project, nutrition project, community empowerment project, IGAs project, and community development project) based on the thematic areas of intervention/work of the organization.

Humanitarian Foundation is working to bring a positive change in the life of the people in need through undertaking different kinds of social welfare projects based on the thematic areas of intervention

Rowa Kyang Project
Rowa Kyang (a Marma language) meaning ‘village school, is a primary education project of HF which commenced in January 2020 with funding support from CO:OPERAID, Switzerland. There are a total of 35 primary schools at the village level in Thanchi, Ruma, Bandarban Sadar and Lama upazila. Project deploys 2 teachers in each school, 4 school supervisors, accountant, and project director for smoothly implementing the planned activities. Teachers’ salary, project staff’s salary, teaching and learning materials, teachers’ training, pedagogy training, school sanitation/school toilet, mosquito nets, school meal/lunch, rice bank, and school IGAs are supported by the Rowa Kyang Project. In addition, the project supports forest conservation, community forest/village common forest, and roadside/riverside tree planting. Apart from the government curriculum, environmental lessons/topics, moral education, health & hygiene education, humanity, and social cohesion topics are taught in the schools. A total of 1,433 children are studying in 35 primary schools. Children and parents are happy for the opportunity to study >>>continue reading>>>

Alusama Froi Project
Alusama Froi (Marma language) meaning ‘learn profession, be professional’ is a vocational/skill development training project of Humanitarian Foundation which commenced in 2011 with funding support from CO:OPERAID, Switzerland. In the beginning, a training center was established by the project in Thanchi in 2011. Unemployed women, and youths are provided training in the training center on tailoring, weaving, sewing, handloom, carpentry, basic computer skills, driving, block batik and electricity. Training graduates are supported with a startup capital fund for small and medium enterprises. Since inception, a total of 1,300 women and youth have completed training. Of them, 1,100 graduates have already been employed and self-employed. The remaining graduates are trying to be employed and self-employed. A joint production unit was established by the project. The products of each trade are sold through the joint production unit. The income of the products sold is used for the project. Project facilitates market linkages, and the job placement officer facilitates the graduates in getting jobs in public and private sectors. In addition, a resort (2 storied building) was built near to the training center for income generation for the sustainability of the project >>>continue reading>>>.

Upasshak Project
Upasshak (a Bengali word) meaning ‘Devotee’ is a secondary education project of Humanitarian Foundation which commenced in 2009 with funding support from CO:OPERAID, Switzerland. Two hostels (boys & girls) were built by the project in Bandarban main town (Balaghata, Bandarban) on the land of the organization. Land purchase and construction were supported by Cobra & Mongoose Charity, a charity organization based in Australia, before commencing Upasshak. A total of 70/80 students (boys & girls) are studying in public and private secondary schools in Bandarban town staying in Upasshak hostel. As of December 2023, a total of 70 students (37 boys & 33 girls) have passed Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination from the hostels and by now are studying in colleges and universities in Bandarban, Chittagong and Dhaka. Since its inception, the project has been supporting food, teachers’ salary, project staff’s salary, teaching & learning materials, kitchen materials, bedding materials, school dresses, furniture, computers, tuition fees, musical instruments, sport materials, local transport, health materials, library, and IGAs. In addition to these, promotion of girls, life skills lessons, social works, moral education, students reward, computer lessons, and virtual exchange program between the students of Upasshak hostel and Hofwil school of Switzerland are included in the project. The children and parents are very happy for the opportunity to study in the hostel >>>continue reading>>>

Talents Project
The talents project is a stipend/scholarship program of Humanitarian Foundation for the financially poor talented students studying in higher education in public and private colleges and universities in Bandarban, Chittagong, Dhaka and other cities in Bangladesh which commenced in 2015 with funding support from CO:OPERAID, Switzerland. Since its inception, a total of 32 talented poor students have been provided/supported with scholarships to pursue higher education. Among them, 10 students have completed their studies and by now some are doing jobs in the public and private sectors. Major expenses of the students covered by the stipend are accommodation, food, tuition fee and books. A student named Rose Merry Bawm is studying for a Master of Science (MSc) in ICT at the University of Padua, Province of Padua, Italy. Students and parents are happy for the opportunity to study >>>continue reading>>>

Rowangchari Area Program
A holistic child development/child sponsorship program titled ‘Rowangchari Area Proram’ covering 4 unions, 75 villages, 300 households and 1,200 population commenced in Rowangchari upazila in October 2022 with funding support from World Vision Bangladesh. It is a child development centered project by Humanitarian Foundation. By now, 807 children have been selected for sponsorship. Education materials (writing pad/khata, writing pen, pencil, school bag etc.) and school tuition fees are supported by the project for schooling of the selected poor children. In addition, water is supplied in the villages where there is scarcity of water. WASH/hygiene sessions are conducted in the project villages to raise awareness about personal hygiene. Child protection topic is discussed in the project villages and local level involving communities, policy makers, government representatives and NGO activists to raise public concern of child rights. Moreover, nutrition improvement sessions are conducted at the local level involving children and members of mother groups. Families are also supported with livelihood for food security and schooling of children. Period of the project is 3 years (October 2022 - September 2025) >>>continue reading>>>

PAEP-II Project
The project titled ‘Promotion of agro-ecology practices (PAEP)’ is a livelihood project commenced in January 2018 (1/1/2018) covering 60 villages (Thanchi-10, Lama-25, Alikadom-25), 1,848 households (Thanchi-543, Lama-552, Alikadom-753), 8 unions (sub-upazila) (Thanchi-2, Lama-3, Alikadom-3) and 182,000 population (Thanchi-23,600, Lama-109,000, Alikadom-49,400) in Thanchi, Lama and Alikadom upazila (sub-district) of Bandarban hill district with funding support from Caritas Bangladesh. The project aims to improve food security and resilience to climate change of the vulnerable populations. The first phase of PAEP was successfully implemented. Currently, PAEP-II is continuing with the same goal, objectives and activities. The project input support includes livestock and poultry distribution (goat & pig), organic farming practice, fruit garden, medicinal tree planting, bamboo cultivation, vermicompost, fish culture, support for land settlement, bee keeping, mushroom cultivation, community forest and vaccination and treatment facility for livestock & poultry. In addition to these, national & international day observation, agriculture fair/tree fair, seminar on gender & land rights, meeting of forum for agro-ecology were organized in the project areas >>>continue reading>>>.

Supporting end-to-end Landslide Early Warning and Anticipatory Action in Bangladesh
Bandarban hill district is one of the disaster prone areas in Bangladesh. Landslides, heavy rain, incessant rain, flood, flash flood, storm, lightning, rodent/mice/rats flood, and elephant attack are common natural disasters in this district. Humanitarian Foundation and Caritas Bangladesh are jointly implementing ‘Supporting end-to-end Landslide Early Warning and Anticipatory Action in Bangladesh’ project in Bandarban hill district covering 3 unions (Sualok, Kuhalong, Bandarban sadar union) from February 2024. The project aims to raise awareness regarding landslides, DRR and other natural disasters for the peoples living in the hilltop, under the hill land/slope land and riverside/streamside. The project organizes simulation exercises at the village level and strengthens District/Upazila/Union Disaster Management Committees through training. >>>continue reading>>>
Our Achievements/success from the past 20 years (2004-2024) of which we are particularly proud
Major Achievements 2004-2024
Upasshak Hostel
A total of 2 hostels (boys & girls) with 80 beds/seats were built on the land of the organization through a project titled ‘Upasshak’ a Bengali word meaning ‘Devotee’. The hostel is based in Charui Para, Balaghata, in Bandarban Hill District. It is a hostel based secondary education project of Humanitarian Foundation which commenced in 2009 in renting house (2009-2012) with funding support from CO:OPERAID, Switzerland. In 2012, land purchase and construction was supported by Cobra & Mongoose Charity, a charity organization based in Australia & UK after commencement of Upasshak. Afterwards, the hostel was shifted to its own building in 2012.
A total of 80 students (boys & girls) are admitted every year in the hostel and staying in Upasshak hostel students study in public and private secondary schools of Bandarban city. As of December 2023, a total of 70 students (37 boys & 33 girls) have passed Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination from the hostels. Among them, some are studying in colleges and universities in Bandarban, Chittagong and Dhaka and some are working in public & private sectors after completing their studies.
Upasshak is an ‘Education Program’ of the organization in the thematic intervention area of education. CO:OPEAID has been financially supporting the project since 2009—–till now. It is a sustainable project of our organization. As a sustainable project, the hostels will continue with self finance in the future once the project is phased out.
Alusama Froi Training Center
Under the financial auspices of CO:OPERAID, Switzerland, a skill development training center was built in Thanchi upazila in 2011 on the land of the organization through a project titled ‘Alusama Froi’ a Marma language/word meaning ‘learn profession, be professional’. The skill development training center is based in Thanchi upazila of Bandarban hill district. Skill development training is provided to unemployed women and youths on tailoring, weaving, handloom, carpentry, professional computer skills, driving as well as block batik. The motto/slogan of the training is ‘Building Career through Learning‘. Since its inception, a total of 2,246 women and youth have completed skill development training. Of them, 922 graduates have already been employed and self-employed. The remaining graduates are trying to be employed and self-employed. A ‘startup capital fund‘ was established with the view to support the training graduates for small and medium enterprises. Alusama Froi is a ‘Skill Development Training Project’ of the organization under the thematic intervention area of “Skill Development”. CO:OPEAID has been financially supporting the project since 2011—–till now. It is a sustainable project of our organization. As a sustainable project, the skill development training center will continue with self-finance in the future once the project is phased out.Â
Cherak Inn
With the financial support of CO:OPERAID, Switzerland, a two-story resort named “Cherak Inn” was built in Thanchi upazila in 2021 on the land of the organization through a project titled ‘Alusama Froi’ a Marma language/word meaning “learn a profession, be a professional”. It is an IGA for sustainability of Alusama Froi project. The Cherak Inn is situated near the office of Union Council/Parshad of Thanchi upazila of Bandarban hill district. Construction of the resort commenced in 2021 and it was completed in 2024. Income from the Cherak Inn is used for the Alusama Froi project. Cherak Inn is a small enterprise of Humanitarian Foundation (HF) for sustainability of Alusama Froi project. Alusama Froi project is a ‘Skill Development Training Program’ of HF under the thematic intervention area of Vocational/Skill Development training. The two-story building construction was supported by CO:OPEAID, Switzerland and land was donated by HF, a local implementing partner NGO in Bandarban Hill District.Â
Rowa Kyang School
With the financial support of CO:OPERAID, Switzerland, a total of 35 primary schools were established/set up in 47 hill tribe villages (Marma, Mro, Khumi, and Tripura) in Thanchi, Ruma, Rowangchari, Bandarban sadar and Lama upazila of Bandarban hill district through a project titled ‘Rowa Kyang’ a Marma language/word meaning “village school”. Title of the project was Upasshak (a Bengali word meaning “devotee”) from 2009-2019 and the title of the project was changed to Rowa Kyang (Marma word meaning “village school”) from January 2020—-.
Since inception of the project, a total of 983 (539 boys & 444 girls) children have completed primary education/graduated with national Primary School Certificate (PSC) from Rowa Kyang project school (2009-2023). A total of 15 schools have been sustainable out of 35 schools. The 15 sustainable schools are managed & run by the community with school IGAs, family & local contribution, and in technical cooperation of HF. The remaining 20 schools are on the way to being sustainable. Rowa Kyang project is a ‘Primary Education Program’ of HF under the thematic intervention area of Education. Currently, 20 schools are financially supported by CO:OPEAID, Switzerland (teachers’ salary, staff’s salary, teaching & learning materials etc.) while the 15 sustainable schools are managed and run by the communities.Â
Scholarship Program
With the financial support of CO:OPERAID, Switzerland, a scholarship program in the title of Talents Project was commenced in 2015. The talents project is a stipend/scholarship program of Humanitarian Foundation for the financially poor talented/meritorious students studying in higher education in public and private colleges and universities in Bandarban, Chittagong, Dhaka and other cities in Bangladesh.
Since its inception, a total of 32 talented poor students have been provided/supported with scholarships to pursue higher education. Among them, 10 students have completed their studies and by now some are doing jobs in the public and private sectors. Major expenses of the students covered by the stipend are accommodation, food, tuition fee and books. A student named Rose Merry Bawm is studying for a Master of Science (MSc) in ICT at the University of Padua, Province of Padua, Italy. Students and parents are happy for the opportunity to study.
Talents Project/Scholarship Program is an ‘Education Program’ of Humanitarian Foundation (HF) under the thematic intervention area of education. CO:OPEAID has been financially supporting the project since 2015—–till now. It is a sustainable project of HF. As a sustainable project, HF will continue the scholarship program with self finance in the future once the project is phased out.
Staff Strength




Grand Total
Empowerment in Action: Breaking Barriers Voices of the Village: Community Empowerment Tales
A documentary film on a vocational/skill development training project titled “Alusama Froi”, a word of Marma meaning “learn profession, be professional”.
2,394 Five Stars Ratings From our beneficiaries.
According to The Classification of NGO
Voices of Hope: Inspiring Change in Our Community
Facts & Figures
Humanitarian Foundation (HF) is running a total of 7 projects with funding support from 3 donor organizations covering 25,000 populations of 103 villages in 6 upazilas of Bandarban Hill District, and a total of 139 dedicated employees are proactively working to fulfill the set vision and mission of the organization.Â
Current donor organizations of HF
- CO:OPERAID, Switzerland
- Caritas Bangladesh
- World Vision Bangladesh
Beneficiary Coverage
Ongoing Projects
Completed Projects

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. ... Social Impact
Social impact from the past 20 years (2004-2024) of which we are particularly proud.
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+88 02-333302299