About Humanitarian Foundation (HF)

Humanitarian Foundation (HF) is a voluntary development organization working in Chittagong Hill Tracts. At the end of 1999, the issue of indigenous peoples’ deprivation from basic human needs like as education, health support service etc. came in focus among some committed youths of Chittagong Hill Tracts while the riches of the country were waiting to celebrate the new Millennium (21st century) with ecstatic joy and happiness. Those committed and dedicated youths of the indigenous community founded Humanitarian Foundation (HF) in 1999 with view to serve the vulnerable and marginalized people of CHTs in the new Millennium.
HF is registered with the Department of Social Service, Bandarban, under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh vide Reg. No. Band-184/03 dated 21-12-2003 and NGO Affairs Bureau under the Foreign Donation Regulation Ordnance 1978, vide Reg. No: – 2116-dated 30-07-2006. Registration Renewed: 30-07.2016.
Our Vision
Humanitarian Foundation envisions a just and compassionate world free from oppression, hunger and poverty, where every person irrespective of race, colour and creed lives in peace and dignity.

Our Mission
Organising the outcast, oppressed and extremely poor; elimination of their sufferings through introducing community supporting approach and develop community capacity to attain services from public and private sectors; eradication of poverty through the empowerment of community, education, utilisation of available scopes, opportunities, resources and potentials; strive against social injustice, protect and promote human rights, culture, values, norms, dignity and gender equity.

HF is governed by a General Council (GC) comprising 21 members from the indigenous communities. GC elects a 7 members Executive Council (EC) for a three year period to run HF following own constitution. The EC is overall responsible for implementation of organizational programmes and its activities. EC meets monthly/tri-monthly to discuss, share, review, and evaluate the progress of different projects and program. EC approves monthly expenditure during the quarterly meeting. Organization needs to submit annual progress report and budget to EC for approval. The EC President is considered as the constitutional head and the secretary by constitution is the functional chief of the organization. The secretary holds the position of Executive Director (ED) to run and oversee the day to day work as per decision of EC. ED is accountable to EC for his/her day to day activities.
Thematic Areas of Intervention
- Education (primary, secondary, and tertiary)
- Vocational/Skill Development training
- Livelihood
- Health
- Environment and forest
- Human rights
- Economic emancipation
- Child Development/Child Sponsorship
- Advocacy and networking
- Research
- Organization development.
What we do/Our Services
Since inception, we deliver needs-based services to the communities living in hard to reach areas with a participative and inclusive approach.
Currently, we deliver services on education (Primary, Secondary, child sponsorship, and Tertiary education), skill development training, and disaster response programs based on the local needs, and thematic areas of intervention of the organization.
Education - Empowering Minds, Transforming Lives
In the context of Bandarban hill district, one has to acquire a high academic qualification preferably MA to get job/services in public and private sectors. The young people in Thanchi upazila, especially in Tindu and Remakree union, cannot compete in the job interview of the job competition due to lack of that academic qualification. Because of this, they fall behind the young people of the city/town, and they become jobless. To acquire them academic qualification, an “Education Program” was established by Humanitarian Foundation in Thanchi upazila in 2004 with funding support from Xaverian Society, Italy (2004 – 2008), and CO:OPERAID, Switzerland (2009 – till now).
In the education program, there are a total of 35 primary schools running in the village level in Thanchi upazila, 2 hostels (boys & girls) in Bandarban main town (the capital city of Bandarban district), and a scholarship program for tertiary education. The goal of the education program is to build the academic competence of the young people of Thanchi upazila through schooling opportunities.

Skill Development Training - Building Career through Learning
Lion’s share of employment in the job markets (public and private sectors) in Bandarban hill district are in the occupation/in the hands of skilled workers. Because of this, unskilled workers do not get job/employment due to lack of skill and technical know-how.
Taking the matter into consideration, a “Skill Development Training Program” was established by Humanitarian Foundation through building a training center in Thanchi upazila in 2011/2012 with funding support from CO:OPERAID (an NGO based in Switzerland) for building careers, especially women and youth through vocational education/learning.

Disaster Response Programs - Helping Communities Recover
Bandarban is a disaster prone area in Bangladesh. Landslides, heavy rain, incessant rain, flood, flash flood, lightning, storm, rodent/mice/rats flood, and elephant attack are common natural disasters in the district. On the other hand, burning of houses, burning of villages, and burning of markets are also common man-made disasters. Humanitarian Foundation is implementing a Disaster Response Program in Bandarban district covering total 81,762 (40,918 female; 40,844 male) [Direct 16,611 (female 8,313; 8,298 male) and Indirect 65,151 (32,605 female; male 32,546)] population in sadar upazila in partnership with Caritas Bangladesh.

Where We Work/Geographical Coverage
HF has already covered all the existing 7 upazilas and 27 unions out of 30 in the district of Bandarban as presented in the table below:
Showing HF working areas by upazilas and unions | |
Thana/Upazila (sub-district) | Name of the Unions (sub-upazila) |
Bandarban Sadar | Bandarban Sadar, Sualok, Rajbila |
Thanchi | Thanchi Sadar, Remakree, Boli Para, Tindu |
Ruma | Ruma Sadar, Paindu, Galangya, Remakree Pransa |
Rowangchari | Rowangchari Sadar, Taracha, Alakkhyan, Noapoton |
Lama | Lama Sadar, Gojalia, Fasiakhali, Ajijnagar, Saroi, Rupasi |
Alikadom | Alikadom Sadar, Choikkhyan |
Naikyangchari | Naikyangchari Sadar, Baisari, Ghundum, Dochari |
Our Team
Whether we play a large or small role, by working together we achieve our objectives
A 8 member team headed by the ED oversees the management of the organization. According to the organizational organogram, the Programme Director (PD) supervises all programme and project staff to run the projects and organizational activities smoothly. PD is accountable to ED. Besides, the team sits every month to confirm satisfactory progress and expenditures as per approved budget.

Abraham Tripura
President, Executive Committee

Moung Moung Shing
Executive Director (ED)

Amar Shanti Chakma
Program Director (PD)

Bidya Purna Chakma
Project Coordinator

Mong Wai Ching Marma
Program Officer

Mong Haineo Marma
Administrative Officer

Mong Sai U Marma
Chief Accountant

Lusia Chakma
Documentation and Child Protection Officer
Current Donors
CO:OPERAID, Switzerland, World Vision Bangladesh, and Caritas Bangladesh are the current donors of Humanitarian Foundation.

Program Photos
Documentary films on sustainability projects/programs
Program Videos
A documentary film on a skill development training program of HF
A documentary film on a livelihood project of HF
Past Donors

Our beneficiaries are at the heart of our organization
Love in Action
I have heard the name of many NGOs. But I have never seen any NGO providing social services in our area. I have seen that the organization Humanitarian Foundation has been providing social services in our areas since 2004, especially in the sector of primary education through schools at the village level and involving the local communities. Many children from the schools have completed primary education and by now are studying in college, and university. I am a burning witness in their social work. I feel true love in their actions.