The journey of Humanitarian Foundation (HF) was started in 1999 by publication of a magazine named Nyau Kre and other research works focusing on the socio-economic scenario of the indigenous people living in Bandarban hill district. After this, some primary schools were set up by HF in 2004 in Mro, and Marma villages in Thanchi upazila with funding support from Xaverian Society, Italy through Fr. Pietro Luigi Lipi. Since then, HF has been implementing different social welfare projects with funding support from different national and international donor organizations. Education (primary, secondary, and tertiary education) is a core program of HF among different projects. 15 primary schools, and 2 hostels have already been sustained out of different implemented projects. The 15 sustained schools are running with school income and community contribution while the 2 hostels are also running with income from hostel IGAs, and family/students’ contribution. We are attempting to sustain other projects also. I am thankful to the community peoples, and local stakeholders for their sincere cooperation in project implementation. I am also thankful to the donor organizations for their continued financial support.