Our Team
Whether we play a large or small role, by working together we achieve our objectives
A 8 member team headed by the ED oversees the management of the organization. According to the organizational organogram, the Programme Director (PD) supervises all programme and project staff to run the projects and organizational activities smoothly. PD is accountable to ED. Besides, the team sits every month to confirm satisfactory progress and expenditures as per approved budget.

Abraham Tripura
President, Executive Committee

Moung Moung Shing
Executive Director (ED)

Amar Shanti Chakma
Program Director (PD)

Bidya Purna Chakma
Project Coordinator

Mong Wai Ching Marma
Program Officer

Mong Haineo Marma
Administrative Officer

Mong Sai U Marma
Chief Accountant

Lusia Chakma
Documentation and Child Protection Officer